Monday, April 02, 2007
We are getting pruned, as I type.
The orchid tree has been shaped, the tangerines are off the newly trimmed tree, the grapefruit looks like an umbrella, the palo verde outside the wall has been brought back to encourage density, the bougainvillea that is dead from the frost is now gone (the only way to tell is to give it a couple of months to come back and if it doesn't, hack it), and now the olive is getting pruned down.
The olive is in bloom so we are anxious to get as many of the branches off as we can because we do not want baby olives.
We will even spray the tree to neuter the little buds.
Olives may go well as an appetizer but they are a black greasy mess when stepped on.
This is an annual rite of spring around here.
It is still a bit hard on eastern boys to see the radical cuts that need to be made. Things grow so fast.
But we are getting used to it.
But not the mess.
Franklin is housebound as the guys do their work. They sprawl.
It will soon be over.