
Saturday, April 21, 2007


No posts on Thursday.

The 'well' is dry this morning.

This is the ebb and flow of blog-energy.

I have been at this for three years so it is a familiar rhythm.

What goes up must come down. Or, as a nice man once told me, what goes down must come up.

I don't worry about it much.

I used to think that this was a signal that blogging was over and it was time to pull down the curtain.

The net is filled with such dead-ended blogs.

I will go to a link that once was vibrant and alive and find that the blogger has left the scene; posted his/her last message.

I did this with my original photojournal.

It was a blog based on photographs which I took myself.

I had it up on my own software; FrontPage, I think.

When I was done—tired of the photo part as well as the writing part—I brought the whole thing down.

It did have a final presence which lasted only as long as I paid the rent.

On Blogger, this would not be necessary. No rent. It stays forever. At least I think that it does. Maybe they drop you after so many months of inactivity. I doubt it.

So, in a way, the net already has its graveyard. The bodies are just not in the same place.

I don't get that end-of-blog feeling anymore. I know this dry spell will pass.

Look at at this. I have a few paragraphs and I have nothing to write about.

I read last night about the writing exercise where you just keep writing for ten minutes. The only objective is to write. The product is of no importance. It is all process.

I guess that is what this is.


Have a good day.

I am going to go to a meeting, have a nap, and then watch Rain Man.

More on that when the film is over.

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