Saturday, March 10, 2007
I found this picture of Gary Cooper and Babe Ruth from the Pride of the Yankees (1942) which was the Best Film yesterday.

Babe Ruth never had a good bio-pic made of his life.
He was the 'bad boy' of the Yankees compared to Gehrig.
There was a horrendous movie made with William Bendix as Ruth but it is easily dismissed. John Goodman took a turn at the role in a more recent film. Thud.
One thing that Pride of the Yankees did show is the culture of baseball at that time. Far different from today.
More respect for the game. More human somehow.
Life was more difficult for the players. It was all train travel. Slow motion.
They didn't earn a whole lot.
Fans were appreciative and reverent for the game. Ego was not rewarded.
Of all the professional sports, baseball holds its traditions together better than any other in the modern world. But it is not the same.
Of course nothing is nor should it be.
I don't want to get into geezerly whining but we have lost a lot.
I hope the gains have been worth the loss.
Labels: best films, nostalgia