Thursday, February 01, 2007
to Molly Ivins, the happy warrior.

I love this picture of her.
This is a better than average appreciation of her life.
I have read her over the years. She used to be on NPR. She was hilarious.
But hilarious to the point; a lesson, a point of view, a thoughtful criticism of 'well ordered' society.
She gave me courage to be an outspoken progressive, a liberal, a critic of the establishment.
Well, I was the latter all my life. She helped me to be more focused about it. I knew there was something wrong, I just wasn't able to articulate it very well.
In that respect, she gave a lot of folks a voice.
It is a great loss.
Sometimes the good do die young. But the good do so much more than the rest of us that the impact of their life is not in any way diminished.