Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I have not book reported in awhile.
You know that I read in rotation, eh?
Literary fiction followed by pulp followed by another kind of literary fiction followed by another kind of pulp.
On the literary fiction front I am well armed with the complete works of Ward Just.
I have read a lot of them long ago but my interest in this fine author was revived by his latest; Forgetfulness which, ironically, made me remember how much I appreciated his work.
I am currently launched into reading another favorite author's latest; Jim Harrison's Returning to Earth.
I suppose that this reading is going to stimulate me to reread all of Harrison's stuff but not for awhile. I just completed the task four or five years ago.
I have standby novels for each of these when the rotation hits.
On the pulp front, I am nearly done with the 25 volume Richard Sharpe novels by Bernard Cornwell.
These wonderful books chronicle the career of a British soldier through his career in the early 19th Century; first in India, then Spain and, finally, France at the end of the Napoleon era.
I had been alternating Sharpe with the works of William Gibson but he has fewer than 25 novels so I ran out.
I was thinking of going to Phillip Dick but have decided not. He parallels Gibson too closely.
I am working on finding a detective series and think that I may have found one in the work of Robert Crais.
I still have a lot of Bernard Cornwell's novels to read. I am not sure whether they are literary fiction (whatever that is) or not.
But, when Sharpe is done I will put them in the rotation.
What else?
Wake up!
This is important stuff!
Dennis Fritz is the author of Journey Toward Justice now on Amazon.com as Top Seller, Published by Seven Locks Press 2006. John Grisham calls Compelling and Fascinating on book jacket.
Dennis Fritz is mentioned in John's Grisham's Book The Innocent Man, but mostly and all is about his co-defendant Ronnie Williamson who was sentenced to death. Dennis Fritz who was sentenced to life behind bars and Ronnie Williamson were exonerated in 1999 after 12 desperate and tortuous years in prison. Dennis Fritz never blamed the Lord and solely relied on his faith in God to make it through. Thanks to The Innocence Project and Barry Scheck who were helpful in getting DNA testing needed that proved Fritz was innocent was freed after serving 12 years in prison. He waited for God's time and never gave up. Dennis Fritz does not want only to be known as the man who was wrongly imprisoned for a murder with NO evidence against him.
Since Dennis Fritz's release it has been a long hard road filled with twist and turns and is now on his Journey Toward Justice This story would interest everyone who has, are going to have a career in Law. Read about why he went on a special diet of his while in prison, amazing and shocking.
There is much more to his story never told before in his book. He says he witnessed miracles and actually heard God's voice telling him "TRUST ME". This Book will make you think, This can happen to anyone of us. A Great book showing what Faith, Love and Hope can do.. .. Miracles.
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