Friday, February 02, 2007
My leg is getting a lot better from the bicycle-on-ice accident that I had on 011507.
I plan to go out sometime soon; Monday? Maybe.
I was told that I had to get a new helmet since the old one hit the pavement first.
I can see the crack in the foam from where it hit.
The deal is that the old one is no good after it has a hit; like an air bag in a car. It has been deployed/crushed/cracked—done.
I went into the bike shop yesterday; my neighbor's. He wasn't there.
But I got this young whippersnapper who had it all down; the facts, the details, the right way to fit it and all.
He was the height of knowledge and enthusiasm.
Just when I think that young people are losing their marbles something like this happens.
A smart young man or woman shows up to prove that things are the same as they always were; competent, bright, positive, personable, attractive people coming on-line.
I didn't ask him if he listened to rap music or not. I didn't want to spoil it.
But, I digress.
I got a Bell™ from Canada. $50.00. Second tier of quality.
Nothing special. Slate grey.
They have a lot of easy does it technology on the straps. I liked that.
I learned that I wore my old helmet too tight. There needs to be some play.
It should be tight enough, though, to fold your forehead skin when you turn the helmet left or right.
You should not be able to push the helmet off in any direction.
And, when you have an accident, you should go get a new helmet especially if it is cracked.
For $35.00 US, Bell will send you a 'free' replacement. Huh?
That's it. Another adventure in shopping.