Friday, February 02, 2007
I have ordered the new and last Harry Potter due out July 21.
We started reading these ten years ago, and goddammit, we are going to finish reading them this year.
All in all, the readings have been enjoyable but, I must admit, my attention has wandered a little.
I don't like all the characters and I get annoyed at the repetitive nature of some of the 'business'.
But, it is a major achievement to have done this and the appropriate way to honor it is to slog on.
I never go to the movies incidentally. Basic rule: no books where I have seen the movie; no movie when I have read the books.
There are a few exceptions to this (Empire of the Sun) but there is nothing in Harry Potter that would have me break the rule.
There will be a big fanfare. Amazon will deliver all the books on one day via FedEx. We will put it in the rotation to read and then we will have at it.
A long project will be over.
If I feel like this, imagine how Rowling feels!
Now, she can go spend all that money!