Tuesday, February 06, 2007
When I was a kid, I loved to listen to
He had a big voice and seemed to have a generous heart. There was not a time that he did not have a hit going on the charts.
He was also cool when cool was not something crooners had.
He got tagged as a singer for western television shows and movies.
One of his best bits was as the voice over the theme in Blazing Saddles.
I am writing about him because he died today at 93!
Good for him.
I aspire to that ripe age or its environs.
He comes alive on his website
I heard and interview on NPR today (terry gross) and he said he did not know it was a bit. They did not tell him as they wanted him to do it as "real" as he could. He said he got ribbed for it a bit but got a kick out of it. TKR
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