Friday, February 16, 2007
The family has been here for a few days and we are doing OK.
They are off to other Southern California points today (the land of the mouse), so we will have a break before they return for their last two days next week.
There are many high points in the visit but one, certainly, was the attainment of an 80 degree swimming pool temperature yesterday afternoon.
I have been shooting for this since early December; maybe November.
We have solar heat for the pool and it works well but we must cover the pool at least at night to prevent serious radiation cooling.
There is often a thirty degree drop in temperature from the day to night.
Then, we had the record (44 year) freezing one week in January.
Hard to keep the warm when everything around it is freezing.
But, in the end, we made it.
The test was the first morning when the kids actually jumped in to try it out.
You didn't think that I was going to do a body test did you?
They went in and stayed in for quite awhile without too many trips to the spa which I keep tepid for warming up.
They have lucked out with the weather. They just made it out of New England during a nor'easter and have had weather in the 80's here while the folks back home suffered low temperatures.
There is a high smug factor to that kind of thing.