Sunday, February 04, 2007
Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was Robert Benton's
This is a boy's memory of his mother (Sally Fields); how she becomes a widow close to financial ruin and barely pulls out of it with the help of a black man (Danny Glover) and a blind man (John Malkovich). East Texas in 1935.
There is also a subplot with Field's sister Lindsay Crouse and Ed Harris.
Ebert doesn't see how these two story lines come together but I do not think that is the point.
This is a story of rememberance and fidelity.
The coming apart and back together in the subplot provide a balance to Field's loss.
I don't want to debate it. But, I don't feel the same way.
Benton's films wander. Nobody's Fool with Paul Newman is such a film. It is a different take.
There are great scenes including a tornado that will pick you up and put you down again with great force!
The ending in this film is quite spectacular.
I liked it a lot and will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.
Labels: best films, films