Monday, January 22, 2007
I am in my 7th day of recuperation from the bike-on-ice act.
I can report decent but not complete recovery. Maybe 75%.
I started back walking the dog today with a cane (just in case). I did it twice.
I went to a meeting without the cane.
I can lie on my right side for awhile. It is not the side I hit but a left injury hurts when you go on the right side. It flops over or something.
The left side is still too tender for lying on. The bruise on my hip is about the size of two baseballs.
It gets better daily. Even during the day I can feel more motion and less pain.
What else?
I now see every wet spot on the street as possible ice.
This is just where I came in ten years ago when we moved here.
When I biked in the morning I had New England eyes and responses. Any wet spot was a possible danger.
Too bad I lost that particular reaction huh?