Saturday, January 06, 2007
I mean us, not him.
You knew this was going to happen. The bushies keep stepping on their own dicks.
Images of Hanging Make Hussein a Martyr to Many
I saw the tape(s). I figured that it was my duty to watch what my country's puppets had managed to botch.
It is beyond undignified. Ski masks and sweaters. Taunts.
He, on the other hand, is brave, calm and defiant. There is a kind of dignity and strength. You can see how he could have run the country. He took no shit from them. Scoffed back at their insults. He wore a suit.
That is how it all looks.
I am not particularly sympathetic. Just showing how he managed to turn the tables on them even into the end.
And don't tell me that this administration had nothing to do with it. They had everything to do with it but pulling the lever.