
Saturday, January 27, 2007


John took me out for dinner last night.

He was a bit coy about it but that is normal for a birthday.

He likes to create a bit of drama even where there is little to be gained from it; drawing out the process.

We are not big out-for-dinner people anymore. We sort of topped out on it.

All our favorite restaurants went out of business and we just got tired of forging new paths.

We are the kiss of death for a struggling restaurant. We go, we rave, we tell everyone else about the place, we commiserate when business begins to wane, we finally go and find the place closed down.

So, eating out is an adventure.

Imagine my surprise when, after a long roundabout drive through town and back, he drove into the parking lot of a place called Elmer's; a Howard Johnson kind of local chain.

I couldn't fucking believe it.

Then drove out of the lot onto another street and around a corner in front of a private home.

Oh shit. Something really is going on. What?

If it is a second party by some of my closer friends I will be pissed.

I sort of don't want to go in but he 'makes' me.

Knock on the door, open the door and there are four of my five kids who have come out for the weekend to celebrate with me. (Plus Randy and Franklin who were supposed to be at home having frozen entrees and kibble).

What a shock. A stunner. I never imagined.

We did have dinner. The party caterer put it together for John. Nice.

We watched the fine short film Dave has made of my 70 years (my dad's old movies are the backbone).

It was great. Not embarrassing at all. I used to sit and cringe whenever they played. But he has de-cringed it very nicely.

I am still in awe at the feat of pulling the secret off——since September! I feel a bit weepy about it.

We will hang out today while John and Randy do what little has to be done for the final push.

This is quite a celebration.

I am humbled by the effort and the love.


I will stop.

No more blubbering.

On with the party.

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