Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ford to be President Who Has Lived Longest
Gerald and Betty live just down the road from us.
The Thunderbird Estates in Rancho Mirage.
I don't know that I ever supported Ford politically but I support him as a type of politician.
He understood the need to maintain good relationships in the middle of the differing. He is a typical member of what used to be called the Grand Old Party.
Today, he will have lived longer than any other president.
Longevity is not a virtue but I do believe that living a good life of being a good person helps make it happen. Being a young athlete must have helped. Of course, we all know, that it starts in the genes but then aren't some people genetically predisposed to be good?
Ford pardoned Nixon. He has been held up to ridicule and harsh criticism over that. And yet, I think, he did it out of goodness.
Now, I do not know Gerald Ford. I have never even seen him, even though he does live down the road.
He may be a right bastard in his private life. Maybe he beats Betty up regularly and is surly to the Secret Service men.
But, I have seen him be an elder statesman and I can sense his benevolence in the public sphere.
I would even vote for him under the right circumstances.
Ford is as far away from today's GOoPers as the next galaxy is from us.
And now he is the oldest of the whole bunch.
Best wishes and many more days.
Here is a picture of Ford with another good guy.