Tuesday, November 07, 2006
So, I did my part this morning.
I voted early (and often—an old Boston remark and often true).
There were a lot of people; more, I think, than usual. No wait. There are a lot of machines.
We have voted electronically for years and I have no qualms about it.
The machines are fast and do the job better, I think, on a complicated ballot.
Cheating? Probably. But they cheated with the old mechanical machines and even the paper ballots. It is like the NRA slogan. Machines don't screw with the vote, people do.

I broke two rules this time.
I voted for a Republican for State Insurance Commission. The Demo is a known hack.
I also voted for five bond initiatives that the Governor and the Legislature worked out together. I feel they need our support.
All the rest? No, no, no, no, no, no, and more no's. I do not believe in the initiative form of government. Period. Bad laws made by special interests with unforseen consequences.
So I have my little 'I voted' sticker with the Flag on it.
Now I will sit back and await results. They seem to think that we will 'know' early as many of the close races are in the East. Dunno. I can wait until tomorrow or even next week if it comes to that.
And I am willing to accept the will of the electorate even if the people in power may not.