Saturday, October 07, 2006
We have no seasons in Palm Springs.
It is either cold or hot or somewhere in between.
There are extremes but they happen mostly in the day or week; a 20-30 degree differential between day high temperature and night low.
This is because of the lack of humidity. All our 'heat' is radiation. No sun, no heat. The air holds nothing.
When there is climate shift it is not gradual. It happens in steps.
This week we slid from the 100/70 range to the 85/65 range in just a couple of days.
Sometime in December it will slip, all at once, to the 70/40 range and that will be that until the same thing happens in the upswing to summer.
There will be snow on the mountains soon. We have had it as early as October.

We regard winter as officially here.
It was fucking cold this morning. I had to close the few sliders that were open. I put on heavy sox and a sweat shirt.
It was 73 in the house.
I turned on the heat.
Yeh, I know. But our inner thermostats are rigged differently than anyone elses.
Today, I had to reset the solar heating for the pool from a few hours a day to all-day. The water had gone below 80 overnight!
I know that no one in the northeast is going to sympathize with me.
Even people who live out on the beaches here think that we are nuts.
But it is cold.
I have shifted to sox all day long. No more sandals. Period.