Friday, October 13, 2006
Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was the execrable
David Lynch.
I watched about an hour of this dreck.
Truth: I have never finished a Lynch film. Not one. And I didn't like that teevee thing either; Twin Peaks.
I remember watching Eraser Head. I can still hear the sound track and see those fucking ugly people.
This is not an actual movie type film but pieces from an attenuated teevee series.
Go read the link. Ebert (who gave it four stars) goes on and on about its non-meaning and its dreamlike quality.
A recipe for rationalization if I ever heard of it.
Lynch's allure to (some) of the cognoscenti is a puzzle to me.
The acting in these films is never very good. To wit, Naomi Watts, lobotomized but still a bit twittery, rendition of a wannabe starlet.
He uses Ann MIller--yes the perky dance star from the musicals--looking like a drag queen and reading her boards at the side of the camera like a third grade play.
Dan Hedaya who was so good in the Coen Brothers' film we saw the other day is transformed here into a refugee from a primal scream group.
And so on. Christ.
This is barely a 1 out of Netflix5. What a piece of shit.
And that awful Blue Velvet. That was another unbearable exercise.