Thursday, October 12, 2006
A +
I went for my annual physical today.
Actually, I go to Doctor Jim twice a year whether I need it or not.
The April visit is just for 'fun'; a ghost session based on the original four month checkups after I had cancer radiation. He still wants to know that PSA number.
This one, in October, is the one with the EKG and all that. The horrendously long list of lab tests.
I am a very boring patient. Nothing is wrong.
I bring a list of 'ailments' which, as Jim says, would make his average patient supremely grateful.
I figure it is my part of the job to present all the data no matter how miniscule and unimportant.
All I could come up with today was a little dermatitis on my little finger, left hand. I have a chronic eczema which shows up here and there depending on the season and my 'stress' level. Stress?
So, it is cheating really. Something to show him.
It is always blooming somewhere and has been for 20 years. A little dab of cortisone cream and wham—it is gone.
On the good side, there is always something that he exclaims about. Today it was the pulse in my feet. Both of them. "Extraordinary"!, he says.
I still have to do the blood and urine tests. I will fast tomorrow morning and go in at 5AM when the lab opens. A great time!
Then I will get my final grades next week.
The hands-on tests are a win.