Monday, October 02, 2006
U.S. population to top 300 million this month
Well, we know that there are too many people but I did not know that we are the only one that is growing and the other economically developed countries are leveling off.
What does this mean?
Higher real estate prices?
Longer lines at the stores?
Yes, and a lot worse. I am currently reading William Gibson's Virtual Light where 'way too many people' has already happened.
Amusingly or not, the year of this dystopia is 2005.
He wrote it in 1993, so you could say that he is something of a pessimist.
The pollution is thick, the uv radiation is severe, people live in layers in places like the Bay Bridge in San Francisco (timbers in the cable towers) and so on.

We are not quite there yet. Sadly, it is the other beings on earth that will suffer first. The polar bears are already going swimming.
Here, the results are less cataclysmic.
They are just building houses on every piece of available land that is not set aside for conservancy. And badly. What a bunch of shit is going up.
A lot of this is on the surface of the popping real estate bubble and, hopefully, a bunch of development companies are going to take a bath sooner than the polar bears.
But it is all part of the same thing.
Growth and greed.
When I was a teenager the Malthusian vision was taken seriously. Population control was a big thing. No more.
And so on.
Around here, the rabbit populations goes through sine wave growth and depletion. Too many rabbits; they get a virus and start to die off.
It isn't even a food thing. There is plenty of grass.
The same with us probably. Plagues.
How did I get down here in the pits?
Let's rearrange the deck chairs.