Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Well, the question about surviving The Apocalypse below was prompted by this article series in Slate:
In the series, we have the bird flu, we have our dirty bomb, there will be earthquakes and so on.
All of it involves three months of food.
I grew up with this. Bomb shelters.
No way.
There is a house in our neighborhood that sports a dome shaped bomb shelter which will withstand some megatons right over the house. I guess in case they miss LA and hit the desert by mistake.

Three months of supplies.
Keeerist! I can't store half the shit we have now to just go day to day.
As earthquake guys we do have water which you have to keep replacing. The same with food.
Three days.
Of course, the resistance is easy for me. I have had a long and happy life. Well not long enough.
But I am not sure I would want to be living in a world of dirty bomb fallout or half the population dead from the flu.
All depends actually.
Which half?