
Saturday, September 09, 2006


There is a lot of upset over the Disney/ABC docudrama of events leading up to 9-11.

(No, we aren't done with the fifth year stuff yet)

I got upset over it for awhile. No, I haven't seen it either.

And then I thought "Well, hell, how is this different from any other network news?"

With rare exceptions, the teevee news has degenerated into docudrama and distortion for some time.

When they don't get their facts right they do not correct and when they do get their facts right they try for what they call 'balance'. I call it abdication of their responsibilities to society.

The lowest of the low has now been achieved with the Couric coronation at CBS.

I haven't seen that either.

I have read about it though.

Evidently the show is going to continue Couric's obsession with 'the get'. Bit names softballed and ass kissed.

First Rosemary's -- oops -- Tom and Katie's baby. Then the busher wandering around in his cowboy prose contradicting himself.

And Rush Limbaugh. A cameo.

I don't know that it matters. I don't think that many people listen to it anyhow.


Are we going to get all bent over a slanted and then badly managed promotion of a misshapen docudrama? Yes.

Is it important?

I am not sure that it is.

Truth has a way of coming out. Didn't someone say that? "Truth will out". Yes.

The network suits notwithstanding.

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