Sunday, September 17, 2006
Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq
Read it and weep. We knew that it was bad but not this bad.
It is so fucking frustrating to see these bastards screw it all up.
I am a partisan. First to say it.
But, in my book, competence trumps partisanship any day.
There are a lot of old line GOP professionals that I admire professionally.

I wonder what guys like Kissinger or Baker think about all this.
Sure, we bashed them but they had the goods. They professionalized foreign affairs and brought new thinking into it.
We know how Poppy's national security guru Brent Scowcroft feels. (What a great name; especially for a diplomat type.).
These guys are all politics all the time and that means all money all the time.
It is sickening.