Friday, August 18, 2006
When I was in 8th grade, our teacher Mr. Ravelli (I had a crush) took us all out on a starwatch.
We had to get a star-map. One of those circular things that revolve within an outer square.
Like most kids, I had learned to see the dippers (no ursas for us) but that was about it.
Mr. Ravelli broke us in on Orion.
We saw his shoulders; one sparkly gold. There was his belt and sword and some of us could see his dog.

As it turned out, since there were only three people who showed up that night (two girls who also had a crush on Mr. R), that was the last time we looked at stars. We were left with the star maps; a problem to be solved on our own time.
I never went back to the star map and never learned any other constellations.
So, today I am a three constellation guy but I favor, above all, the warrior Orion.
We get stars heavy duty here in the desert. No humidity blocking, even with light pollution.
So I really notice my man, the big O.
He isn't a steady partner. He has been gone for awhile; about 6 months.
But this morning, as I went to get the paper, I looked up in the east and there he was.
He always comes back.
A constant companion.
This is one of the many signs of 'autumn'.
The big guy is back for about six months (I watch in the evenings in late winter) and then will take his show on the road for another 6.
Welcome back pard!
You still give me a bit of a thrill. My one and only.
Forget the dippy bears.