
Thursday, August 17, 2006


I had a wonderful time.

I did nothing.

It was a lot like our stays in P-town. Sit on the deck and watch the world go by. Hang out on the beach. Read. Walking instead of biking. Silence.

My room overlooked the bay and directly ahead way away was San Diego.

I walked the two mile island road each day and hung out at the boat ramp--just across the street--a lot.

A lot to see.

Many boaters (hmmmm), pelicans, gulls, dogs walking, dog walkers, fishermen, and just up the way a beach where I learned that 'boarders' look quite wonderful on a firm young man. Wet.

I had thought them frumpy.

It is bikini or nothing here. For the most, or least, part.

I saw a seal moopchig his way around in the boat ramp area yesterday. He would swim and jump between snacks of fishermen leftovers.

Arf Arf.

A great time and I got a wonderful reception when I came home at 8AM this morning. Even John was glad to see me.

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