
Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Franklin got clipped Monday at the same groomer.

It must have been a bad Monday because he came home with a Bob Hope nose, drag queen eyebrows, uneven and too long belly hair on the sides and too much shave on his back legs and ass.

It took us awhile to move through our denial that this was a botched job.

A call to the groomer yesterday didn't help our confidence level any.

The cutter had a bad Monday. He seems to have a bundle of those. Monday morning flu?

Maybe we should change from Monday.

The next time out we will not get a cut. Just a bath. Let it grow out.

I worked on his eyebrows yesterday.

I did a pretty good job.

Today we are really pissed off. We remember other little slips in the past.

We are thinking that maybe we need a new groomer. Maybe we should just let his hair grow out and be a shaggy dog.


Time will tell.

In the mean time we are trying not to 'see' the infractions.

And most of all, not let Franklin know that he looks like Bob Hope in drag with a hairy belly and a shaved ass.

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