Tuesday, July 11, 2006
"What type of company offers the worst customer service?"
I chose telephone and cell phone.
The Verizon land line service is so bad here. It drove us to abandon them for mobile phones three years ago.
Oddly, the best service from cell phone providers here is from Verizon Wireless. So we made a lateral move.
Not only has our service with them been fast and expert, it has been needed less often than with almost any other service we use. The actual cell phone service; the nuts and bolts are better than land lines and totally dependable.
There is an immediate yelp from some that you don't have mobile everywhere. This area is a good testing ground as we are surrounded by wilderness area. But, let me remind you that you don't have land lines there either except for pay phones so..........no dif.
We don't fly anymore. It is so fucking bad. So I should have put them first but I am not a user.
Our cable is flawless. Since I am up at 3AM I can count on four or five service 'outages' a year; during the night. They do not last much beyond 5AM. That is it. The few times I have had to have them at the house over line problems it was actually fun. The guys were knowledgable and in good humor; jokester geeks. I should mention that we do not have video but only internet feed. Teevee might be different but I think not.
Computers? I can say it in one word: Apple! That is it. Perfecto. I have never called their service line but some who have bitch a lot. Not me. No need to call. No call. No problem.
Financial services are fine. We use Wells Fargo which is very good here. I am on line for reports and would not hesitate to go to the branch where they have been more than helpful. We also use Smith Barney and have a rep. There are bugs from time to time and they are always fixed expertly. This is person to person service.
Internet? Who? What? No. Never needed. Everything is handled through the cable provider; the IPS is Earthlink.
Something Else? We just don't have a lot of problems. And when we do we yell loud and use our feet to vote.
Here are the results from other voters:Airlines—20%; Cable—19%; Computer Manufacturers—14%; Internet—4%; Telephone and Cellphone—28%; Something Else—10%