Sunday, July 16, 2006

It is so tragic that this is happening in Lebanon
Way back, at the beginning of my training career, I worked for a Brit expat who lived in Beirut. He ran a consulting business for helping westernize business practices in Lebanon and the Middle East.
He was a great guy. Very gutsy, obviously. He wore a white suit and had a great story.
I remember when Beirut was trashed and he had to flee for his life. I saw him sometime after and the life had just gone out of him a bit. He was so sad for his adopted country.
That would be some 25 years ago.
That war ended and the country started to rebuild.
I don't know if he went back. He was probably too old for that time.
Now, the dream is shattered again.
Beirut was the Riviera of the Middle East. Then it was rubble.
It almost rose again.
And now, the Israelis are exacting a mean and extraordinary revenge on the citizens of this beautiful country.
So sad.