Saturday, July 15, 2006
I don't have any sympathy for the Israelis anymore.
They have used up all the sympathy capital that they accumulated with me from the holocaust, the startup of their poor little state, and some other sympathetic things that I cannot remember.
They are fucking out of control!
Yeh, I know. Terrorists. Hamas. Hezballah (how do you spell it?).
So fucking what? The Israelis have done worse and, often, more.
Now, as far as I can tell, this totally disproportionate and irresponsible response to Lebanon; a fragile state who had something going for it.
And it affects me personally too!
Oil prices. The stock market. My IRA.

But, that aside, I am not happy with our stance toward it either. You know, the USA who has supported them through some of the worst of their depridations.
Bush stood there and refused to comment in a press conference. With the whole G-8 waiting for him.
He would not do anything to get them to hold back on Lebanon.
More chaos from a rudderless administration.
I remember when there were kibbutzes and we were planting trees in Israel; dancing the hora.
Where did it all go?
The same place that money and power always go. Up the flue.
Yeh. A bad joke. But, it is kind a holocaust only the fire this time is self administered.