Saturday, July 22, 2006
Yesterday we had 120 degrees. A record for the day. But we always have to mention the humidity. It was only 9% RH and some areas recorded lower. So, it is a dry heat.
July is noted for its monsoonal flow and there has been a slight effect; mostly overhead. Good.
It has been a hotter summer for us.
So far this year, there have been 64 days with recorded temperatures over 100 degrees, compared to 46 days over 100 by this point in 2005.
But, I kinda like it. Perverse.
I like extremes.
Well, we have them.
The trick here is to temper yourself into it; reset the body thermostat.
I walk Franklin every night just after sunset which means that we are catching most of the day's temperature in the air; not the direct sun. He won't walk in it!
Desert dog.
But still, we get a lot of practice time in the heat.
I try to go out during the day some and I will not use AC in the car(s), period. Open air for me.
So you get used to it.
The price to pay is that the 'winters' of low 60 degree temperatures are very 'cold' to my body.
Oh. What about the pool in this hot weather?
Well, the pool water is about 95 right now.
It is a shock, even when you know that is the case.
But, when you get out, the dry air hits you and the evaporation rate cooooooooooooools you so fast.
Cooling effect of evaporation.
It is an amazing science fact turned into instant comfort.