Saturday, July 29, 2006
Mel has stepped into a pile of elephant shit.
Anyway, now we have the backstory for his Jesus movie's anti-semitic baseline.
As well as showing the apples don't fall far from the tree. Gibson has disavowed his Dad's Jew baiting history.
And the alcoholism. The default excuse.
As something of an expert in the area, I can affirm that in recovery, alcoholics do not blame the bottle for their troubles but look beyond it to their selves.
The biggest hurdle to sobriety is the ego.
While we are at it, Mel is a gay baiter too. A certified hom-o-phobe.
I don't normally put this kind of thing in the blog but it touches on a lot of angles I think about.
Here is a guy who is a certified professional christer. He is on the bandwagon.
He is a darling of the right wing.
He is a gay basher.
All that.
So here I am writing like a gossip columnist.