Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Long time readers will remember that I have a white shopping bag fetish.
It is not kink so much as a decorative thing and a desire to recycle and reuse.
Stater Brothers, where I shop, has had those ugly flesh colored bags for as long as I have been going there.
I return them to the recycle box at the entrance of the store.
I cannot bring myself to insert them into the white waste can. So ugly.
So, I save up the few white ones that we get. These come from our bakery, Rite-Aid, Staples, Target, and other stores.
I hoard them.
I ask John to bring extras from home.
Scarcity creates value in a free market.
The other day, I was standing in the checkout at Staters. Suddenly, I realized that my order was being packed into WHITE BAGS!
I was ecstatic.
But then, when I got home, I realized that my long held collection of outsourced white plastic bags was suddenly worthless.
Supply had exceded demand to the nth degree.
The invisible hand had moved.
Market forces had undone me and my collection.
All that saving gone to naught.
Now, I am tempted to consider my collection as just that; to continue saving them but do so on a different basis.
The non-Stater bag.
And then, if this white bag thing is just a temporary deal at Staters, I will be well stocked; an emergency stash.