
Friday, June 09, 2006


Shares Fall Sharply Early, but Finish With Some Gains

I notice that I am getting more risk averse in my life.

Nowhere does this show up more glaringly than in my 'management' of my retirement nest egg.

I put ' 's on it because it is basically unmanagable except in the grossest terms.

The recent slide in the market had me screaming every other day to my wonderful Smith Barney advisor.

Now, I see that I should have taken the top or near the top a couple of weeks ago and tweaked my portfolio towards bonds. Less risk, less elastic.

That would have taken care of some future anxiety.

Trouble is that I just did this a short time ago. Too much tinkering doesn't make jack.

I hate to admit that I fit the accurate cliché of an amateur player; a chicken ready to be plucked.

When the market is high, I think only of its going higher. When there is a new low, as in yesterday (keerist was it low for awhile) I think that I should stay in and wait for it to go up.

Las Vegas is built on such a sucker scenario.

So here is my plan.

I will wait for it to go up (sucker) but when it hits over 11200 I will tweak the mix toward cash and bonds again.

Will I be able to do it?

Risk averse or not, I am battling the loser position of thinking that I know diddly shit about the market or what or where it will go.

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