
Sunday, June 25, 2006


Here I am, in the middle of Moby Dick.

Melville is going on and on about the technology of whale slaughter.

I am slogging through it waiting, as all the crew on the Pequod is waiting, for the great white whale to arrive.

The more I read about the apparatus of killing the great mammals the more I say to myself, "Well, at least they don't do any of this anymore".

Then I read, this past week, that the whales may be getting the shaft again:

Japan, Allies, Move Closer to Whale Hunts.

Somehow, through payoffs to the small countries on the whaling commission, the Japs have managed to buy their votes on the whale kill.

I guess we aren't supposed to say 'Japs' anymore.

But, I didn't think that they were going to kill whales anymore either, so we will revert to old form.

At least I didn't call them 'Nips'.

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