
Sunday, June 04, 2006


Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was

Lovely and Amazing (2002)

It is by the Indie director Nicole Holofcener. She just put out Friends With Money. John went and hated it.

We went to this when it was out and I didn't like it then. I don't have a lot of tolerance for self-pity.

I also cannot fucking stand Catherine Keener. And I don't like Brenda Bethyn much either; the mother.

Three sisters; one mother. Two birth sisters; one adopted and black.

All fucked up.

It is a comedy so we have to face the fact that fucked up is funny. In this sense, it turns the table and treats the ladies in the same rough way that men are treated in other films.

For example, one of the sisters, Catherine Keener, gets hauled in for statutory rape of a teenage boy (the younger Jake Gyllenhaal).

Emily Mortimer gets to bed a self centered actor, Dermot Mulroney, who we love. Self absorption is his specialty.

The mom and the little black girl, starved for love, have severe eating disorders.

And so on.

I will give this a 3 out of Netflix5 since there are some laughs and even though I find these women excessively annoying, there is a lot of inventive stuff in the picture that is kinda fun to see.

On the other hand, maybe it is a 2. I will see how it sets.

I do not ever want to see it again except for out takes of Mulroney. Gyllenhaal is still too young for me in this. It would be statutory ogling for me to see his bits more than once.

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