Sunday, June 11, 2006
Today I endured
D-Day, the 6th of June 1945 in three hours.
It wasn't as hard as I expected.
This is sort of the uber-war-movie and is epic in scope.
Thousands of actors; five directors; a star producer—Zanuck. It is one of those rare producer films.
The result is actually pretty interesting. It is not hard to grasp what is going on and the battle is shown from both sides.
There are some great spots and some obvious valleys. Pee breaks.
From the standpoint of it being a good battle film, it is a definite 5 on the Netflix5 scale.
It certainly deserves to be one of the NY Times 1176 Best Films.
It has a lot of male stars too numerous to mention but I was particularly pleased to see Robert Mitchum featured extensively.
I got through it. I want a battle star.