Friday, June 23, 2006
Well, it had to happen. Sooner or later the rebels become the establishment and the jockeying for position begins.
Bloggers' double-super-secret smoky room
An elite forms. People get too big for themselves. And, eventually someone will jump the shark.
Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, aka Kos (sounds like 'close'), of Daily Kos fame has a background for shrill highly personal rants.
Now, he has incurred some counter wrath.
I have had my own problems reading the Kos' blog. It is good but not that good.
The recently successful Yearly Kos, a get together of the blog's 'family' in Las Vegas, attracted a lot of big Democratic names.
So he is getting there. Just watch the hat size.
Kos should kool it.