Friday, June 23, 2006
Sometimes I actually read my spam, especially if the subject line is inviting. Like, I know it is spam but the originality of it or the cleverness or whatever demands that I open it and look.
Today's subject was:
"Lay the Youth With Hair Disheveled"
I should have known it was not soft porn. It was not.
Here is what it was:
Order from a trusted U.S. pharmacy.Hi-a-fucking-watha!
Every medication is checked, verified and filled by a trained and licensed pharmacisthttp://>
Like a tall tree in the tempestWhose innumerable echoesThe Song of Hiawatha is based on the legends and stories of many North American Indian tribes, but especially those of the Ojibway Indians of northern Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. They were collected by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, the reknowned historian, pioneer explorer, and geologist. He was superintendent of Indian affairs for Michigan from 1836 to 1841.From the red deer's hide NokomisSheer he cleft the bark asunder,Paused to purchase heads of arrowsBeat his timid heart no longer,From the kingdom of Wabasso,Nothing but the fatal Wawbeek!"Brought the King of all the Beavers.With the rushing of great rivers,Lengthened over field and forest,Saw the flecks and shadows on it,Shivered in the air of morning,'T was the prairie dandelionBy the rushing in the Spring-time,With a silent nod assented.
What next?
Can't can all the spam.