Thursday, June 15, 2006
There is no doubt that this is a commendable thing:
Bush to Create World's Largest Marine Protected Area Near Hawaii
They say he was inspired by a Costeau film.
I would guess that he is more inspired by his poll ratings which show him way down on the environment and all.
Cynic that I am, I cannot help noticing that this involves no possibility of oil drilling or other land use. No businesses will be disrupted except sports fishing and coral mining.
There will be no money to support it. So, even those activities will go unpatrolled.

It is an easy PR stunt.
Sort of like a 5 hour visit to Baghdad.
We are in the full court press here.
Workin' the numbers.
But, while they are pandering, I will take it. I like the idea of the preserve and I didn't even see the Costeau film. But neither did he.