Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today's NYTimes Best 1176 Film was
with Charles Boyer and Irene Dunn.
This is the original Leo McCarey writer/director version.
It bred a number of remakes, notably An Affair to Remember which in turn inspired Sleepless in Seattle
All of them feature a romantic liaison on the top of the Empire State Building which was, in 1939, quite the modern thing to do.
The disc is not in the best shape but once you get used to 'hearing' it there is a lot to enjoy.

The first half has the two principals meeting on a ship and falling in love. They are both about to get married to someone else. What a surprise! It is funny and sly and very nice to watch.
They make a date to think it over; six months later at the top of the ESB if they still want to run away together.
She gets hit by a car on the way to the meeting and the last half deals with the problem of her not showing up and then not wanting to 'burden' Boyer with a cripple.
I know, it sounds cheesy but they pull it off. Tear warning, even for the hardest hearts.
It is very very nice and quite a good film. It has music too; and kids. Kids who sing! This is the same McCarey who made Going My Way. It is a winning formula.
Featured, as Boyer's grandmother, is the great Maria Ouspenskaya
Now, that is three very strong reasons to see this film. Irene Dunne is always wonderful and if you wonder, as I do, what the Boyer charm was all about, this is in his prime.
I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5 just because it is a little corny here and there and I didn't hear it all.
It has a great surprise ending though.
Maybe a 5.