
Thursday, May 11, 2006


"Is "Made in America" an important factor in your purchasing decisions?

I answered 'often'.

For many years, I bought New Balance and Rockport shoes for this reason.

I used to shop at Structures when it was 'made in the USA'. They changed this and now do not exist. No connection, I am sure.

On the other hand, for many years I bought German, then Finnish cars because it was just stupid to buy American.

A lot of other people felt the same way.

But, on the last three go-rounds, we are all American in Chrysler motors; the Cherokee, the old Le Baron and the brand new, well newish, Sebring convertible.

It turns out to have been a smart decision as, here, the Chrysler service facility is really good. And we have a low service record.

If I did go 'foreign' again, I would go Toyota because of their service record. But, my dad would spin in his grave.

He once had a Chevy shipped from the Baltimore plant because he was told that plant used less Japanese parts in his car.

He had 'Jap' shrapnel in his neck for life.

But, back to me.

I just realized that Chrysler is now a German Company. Well, the Cherokee and Le Baron were purely pre-kraut American.

See? It is really harder and harder to 'buy Amercain' these days.

First of all, the labeling has really stopped. It used to be promoted more than it is.

Second, I am beginning to believe in the global economy.

I am typing on a Chinese Mac and sitting at a Swedish kit-made desk. I am wearing Gap stuff which is all made off shore.

I have Nike sandals on my feet. There is nothing American about those except maybe the marketing.

Maybe I am not so true blue as I thought.

Here is what everyone else said.

Often--(29%); Occasionally (36%); Never (35%)

Maybe I should have voted 'Occasionally'.

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