Friday, May 19, 2006
I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time.
John McCain would go all right wing (not too far to walk) and talk at Falwell's graduation and then leap across the spectrum and make another speech at the graduation exercises for the New School.
Now, what would you expect to happen?
Read this report to find out what did:
McCain at New School: Honeymoon is over.
I am glad that students are waking up today.
I worked in Harvard Square in the late sixties and early seventies and it was a wonderful time.
The last protest I was at was when my son got his PhD at Harvard and that awful Colin (can I spell it colon?) Powell spoke.
It was just at the time of 'don't ask/don't tell'.
People stood and turned their backs. We did too. We're people!
And then we all walked out.
My son didn't take it personally. I think.
I love Bob Kerrey's comments. He is the founder and prez of the school.