
Friday, May 19, 2006


Now, I am not a teevee watcher, so I could care less what 'they' put on the tube.

But it does catch my interest when the industry doesn't play suckup anymore to the christianist conpiracy to censor us into chastity.

Here is the opening of a Wall Street Journal piece today by Amy Schatz:

Of the seven dirty words not allowed on broadcast radio and television, "litigation" isn't one of them.

As lawmakers embark on an election-year push to clean up the airwaves, federal regulators' zero-tolerance policy against indecent programming is resulting in a backlash, with broadcasters showing a new willingness to take the fight to the courthouse. That could be problematic for the Federal Communications Commission, which has interpreted the law inconsistently over the years.

Last month, the networks and some 800 affiliates displayed unusual unity in challenging the FCC's March ruling that a number of TV episodes were indecent, mostly for graphic sexual content or the use of four-letter words during a live program. In announcing the lawsuit, the networks argued in a lawsuit that the FCC has overstepped its authority in proposing fines, which they say are inconsistent with two decades of previous decisions.

Love that first line there.

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