Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I have been skipping this lately as it has had questions that DNA 2 me.
But, today's question is one that I can speak to easily.
"How does a highly selective college affect a graduate's ability to succeed?"
I went to a very highly selective college and it nearly busted my ass. But I got through MIT even though I needed a summer term to finish my thesis.
Yes, we were so select that you had to write a thesis for the bachelor programs.
Was it worth the busted ass and the money?
Well, first the busted ass. I actually majored in extra-curriculars and took my electives in 'humanities' subjects. I was a half-arts graduate.
This funny combination helped me immensely in jobs and acquisition of jobs because I had the stuff to do what was asked.
Pure engineers are rather wobbly on the practical side. I excelled.
I had managed a large scale student staff operation by the time I left MIT so I had the chops to handle people and to meet customers; service.
The arts side rounded me out and made me a good conversationalist and even a good faker when the time came to nod at all the arts guys who interviewed me over the years.
But, I am digressing.
Did the 'beaver' class ring have caché?

It was frequently recognized. The ring is uniquely non-stoned; a full gold casting.
Explanation: MIT's mascot is a beaver. It was affectionally dubbed the brass rat. Us MIT guys don't want to get too far above ourselves
Did the ring and name help? Yes, yes, and yes.
People's eyes would bulge.
They would shake my hand harder.
They would sort of kiss my ass.
A running start.
And, as I said, I delivered. So I don't know how long you could ride on the rep of the school alone. Not long, I would guess.
So, I answered "Enhances a great deal".
Other voters differed a bit.
It came out
I figure this last 2% went to Cal Tech.