
Thursday, April 20, 2006


I was brought up as a Methodist; obviously, it did not take very well.

But I am always interested in how they are shooting themselves in the foot as far as 'christian' values are concerned.

Here is the latest:

Gay ministers come out, criticize Methodist Church for homophobia

I don't remember the Methodists as having much of a theology actually. It was mostly about gossip and backbiting at the parish and conference level.

In any event, if there was any it didn't take on me.

I didn't see the 'method' in the madness.

I still don't 'get' the trinity.

But, I grew up in the country and so it was very down home stuff. A long way from John Wesley.

When I moved to MIT in Cambrige, I went to the Harvard-Epworth Methodist Church which had a very strong social gospel and apparently still does.

The 'Sunday school' sessions were almost socialistic! A great guy from BU who was a full professor. Charismatic.

I didn't stay there too long as I could get my socialism without its being strained through the holy cloth.

So, I do not know this church at all; mean spirited, right wing. Bastards.

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