Thursday, April 13, 2006
I had my semi-annual physical today and in the words of my former doc, the results were un-interesting.
My present doc avoids such a formulation. Faint disapproval of the joke.
Therefore, I always bring it up.
I was diagnosed as getting over a cold. That one is right on.
I got an OK to use Claritin instead of Allegra. In the generic version, large size bottle, "Faux-clariton" costs 30 cents a tab against the Allegra 2.00.
These are used instead of OTC meds because the do not cause drowsiness and they don't mess up your urinary function. Well, not mine.
I got the skin cancer check; moles. Nothing.

I got the digital (not a movie format) on my prostate cancer remission and was declared remissed although we will take the PSA test tomorrow, my prostate and I.
You are never over cancer. You are only 'in remission'. Sort of a waiting room where you hope never to be called back into the office.
Incidentally, some guys still will not let the doc touch their ass. This is so fatally stupid.
If you are male and over 40 ask for it or take it when offered! Annually. That is how mine was found. Early.
My resting pulse is still about 65 (when I was running it was 54) and my blood pressure is normal; whatever that is.
He doesn't bother with the cholesterol tests any more (well once a year just for the hell of it) as they have never been out of line. Genes.
He endorsed my diet. Told me it was not a diet but a 'program' as it is not a fad, one time thing.

My doc is 'bird thin' so this joke is apt. I just want to be the other way along with him.
We discussed precautions one might take for the pandemic (masks, gloves, etc.). He scoffed at such precautions. If you get it, you've gotten it.
There isn't anything else. Well. My irritable bowel syndrome which began with the loss of the 2004 election (I am not kidding, nor is the IBS) is stable.
You know, at my age, this is all pretty good.
I will get a liver panel tomorrow too. I haven't had a drink in 27 years but damage can be 'funny' the way it lies in wait.
Did I leave anything out?