
Friday, April 28, 2006


This morning, I was coming back up our driveway on the bike when I saw a neighborhood couple walking their dogs up the hill ahead of me.

A 'him and her' couple. We have that kind scattered through our neighborhood.

No sooner had I spotted them than her dog squatted and left a hot heavy one right in the middle of the drive.

She walked on.

The husband, who was waiting for her, saw me coming and started to make the turn up the main road and behind the bushes there. Coward.

She was not so nimble and heard me. She turned around.

"I'd like you to pick that up, please", I said, sweetly.

She said "Oh I will. I was going to."

He is now up the hill peering from behind the big mesquite bush up there at the corner. Pussy.

So, she goes up the hill and gets a piece of palm bark to come back and shovel it up!

Like she is going to carry the shit on the stick for the whole walk. No way. Just long enough to dump it on the neighbor's lot.

I said "Don't you have a bag?'

She said "No".

I said (in the tone of a kindergarten teacher) "You ought to take a bag with you on the walk".

She said "I know, but we left the house so quickly and............"; and so on.

The guy is now peeking out through the mesquite.

I said, "Well the bark is not going to work, let me get you a bag." And I went into the house to get one.

John says, "What's going on?". I tell him I caught a pooper red handed.

Well not the hand so much. More the palm. Heh heh.

So, I took out the bag and gave it to her. I was surprised they were still there, actually.

I was prepared to chase them. Maybe they knew that.

By now I recognized the dogs as the twosome who live up the hill on El Portal.

The one dog, a pup, is so sweet. When he is alone he and Franklin have a nice time. The husband had that one.

The other dog is a nasty bastard and comes running and barking. When he is around there is no play but Franklin does brace and bark back. He doesn't take any shit either. Just like his dad!

So I said, to her, "Oooooh. I know your dogs. You live up El Portal! My dog plays with yours at the gate".

Now, she's nailed. She knows that I know who she is; and where she lives!

She takes the bag. She picks up the poop. They are on their way.

The husband has not said one fucking word the whole time.

Not his dog!

But that may be his normal way of life.

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