Friday, April 28, 2006
We have a rat again.
Or two.
Or maybe it is not a rat.
Whatever it is came out Wednesday night while we were sleeping and took two small bites out of an unripe pear. Not big ones.
I don't think that s/he liked the pear much.
Last night, as I am of the habit to do, I left a hunk of multi-grain bread (La Brea Bakeries—very good) in the fruit dish. It is to go with my hard boiled egg(s), in the morning. Egg(s) because, just now that I am on half rations, there is only one egg but normally two.
I digress.
During the night, when I got up to pee, I thought of the bread and my stupidity at leaving it out if there was a rat threat. So, I went to the fruit bowl and felt around in the dark. How dumb is that?
No. No rat.
But, there was an empty sheet of plastic film where the wrapped bread used to be.
It gave me a bit of a jolt.
Not only that, but there were some papers on the floor from the little desk where s/he must have made the gallant leap up or down from the counter.
Both mornings, Franklin has been disturbed. He can open the door to the cabinet under the sink now (big boy!) and did so. He stuck his nose in there and did his grunting thing. "Oonghf oonghf oonghf."
No rat.
I have been around the house collecting the rat traps that are left in place from the last incursion.
I bought some peanut butter from the store today; the cheapest available. Chunky.
Tonight, we will see if the rat would like a peanut butter treat right about where the pear and the bread (LaBrea) was.
I may also put one along the wall of the lower cabinet (oonghf).
You put them on the runways usually. Along walls; not out in the middle. But I think that the pear/bread place is worth a try.
I will report.
Oh. What about PETA and all?
I do not snap the trap. I do not eat the peanut butter. I only set up a scenario in which the rat may make a choice.
I will not mind putting on the rubber gloves and carting the carcass, trap and all, to the trash barrel.
OH. And what if it is not a rat? Perhaps a ground squirrel. Then, I will seek help.