
Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Cell Phone Resuscitation.

My mobile lost its screen today after doing a funny 'never saw before' display.

I turned it off and then turned it on. Reboot, right?

I could call and get calls; we tested.

No screen

Then I charged it up again.

No screen>Then I had a panic attack.

No screen.

In my head, I was already on-line at Verizon this afternoon waiting hours to get to someone who would say that I needed to leave the phone there and then I would have to buy a new one and.............so on.

I hadn't considered calling them to ask about it and maybe avoid the dread trip.

Then, a miracle.

Our 'company' for the week/start; the opposite of week/end (Randy) said to try taking the battery out and wipe it and the points and then put it back again.


The screen was back.

He also said that kicking it sometimes helped too.

We didn't have to go to that level of resuscing.

It just shows how much I have come to depend on this thing.

And I love this phone; the LG VX4500.

Anxiety city.

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