
Friday, March 31, 2006


I like to keep my weight between 150 and 155 and on the down side of that.

A while back, when I found that I was creeping up above 155, I just added a few more bike hills on Monday.

You know, burn baby burn.

When it went above 160, I decided that it wasn't too bad to have to put the 32 waist shorts up on the high shelf.

Somewhere in there I started to leave my shirts out of my pants/shorts. Hiding it.

Did I mention that my fat cells (shown here) all go to my belly? Never to my ass where they would be welcome.

When the weight got to 165, I found, through providential reading, that my BMI (Body Mass Index) was still in the 'normal' area and that I would not be 'overweight' until I hit 170.

When I hit 166, I realized in a sudden burst of self-honesty that I was in denial and that the weight creep had reached the final and last stage.

This week I went on the patented half-way measures diet.

I eat everything that I was eating before only half as much. No celery. The only concession is to eat the usual 4 ounces of protein for dinner.

Since I have a balanced, healthy diet this makes nutritional sense. And half makes my just hungry enough but not too hungry.

Starvation diets are self defeating since they kick in the anti-starve mechanisms in our metabolic machinery.

So, I have been losing a little less than a pound a day.

So far so good.

At this rate I have three weeks to go and then start all over again.

I will have to figure out how to cut out enough from the standard eating to keep at the fighting weight. But, by that time I will have a different idea of what normal is and I will be able to cut my previous normal by about 10% to stabilize.

I know from experience that there are two hazards when I get to my target.

The first is that 'everyone' will ask me if I am OK. They will tell me that I look too thin. This is mostly because the world is looking at itself through obese sunglasses.

Good thing that I am basically a rebel and the minute I hear conventional wisdom I go the other direction.


This takes me to the second hazard; to not know when to stop.

There is just a teeny weeny bit of fat kid in there who could go all anorexic.

So, forewarned is forearmed.

I will keep you informed.

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