Friday, February 24, 2006
"What U.S. entry point is least protected against terrorism?
My answer?
I don't have a clue.
The fact is that I don't even worry about it.
I have so little confidence in our ability to interdict any serious terrorist attempt that I, more or less, don't even consider vulnerability. I just think that we are and have been sitting ducks.
I also don't worry about terrorists.
Sure, it is upsetting.
But, we have always had nutcases here and abroad.
The Oklahoma City bombing and the letter bombs and the anthrax attacks were all home grown.
I figure that sufficient local and federal police protection and an aware citizenry are enough.
Do you know how many billions of dollars of the Homeland (goddammit I hate that word) Security Administration have been turned into pork and not used for any really credible threat reduction?
We now have the terrorist industry making big bucks out of our fear.
And so on.
The WSJ readers scored it 37% seaports and ocean front, 1 % airports, and 62% Canadian and Mexican border.
No surprise there.
The borders and the seacoast (not the ports) are indefensible.
I guess the ports are at risk. So lets put the A-rabs in charge of them and get it shut and overwith.